
道歉信范文英文_道歉信 篇 1
Dear Linda,
I am excessively sorry to say that i had failed to keep the appointment
that we made last friday. Now, i am writing you this letter of apology to show
my deep regret. Please accept my sincere apology. I hope you will understand
me and excuse me for my failure to turn up.
The reason for my absence was that my mother fell ill at that time. I had
no way out because i had to send her to hospital and look after her.
Therefore, it’s not in my power to meet you.
Naturally, i want to suggest that we should make another appointment next
time.,i shall be obliged if you will kindly write and tell me when and where
you will be at convenience.
We may meet again and i hope to see you soon.
Yours sincerely,
li ming
道歉信范文英文_道歉信 篇 2
Dear linda,
i am excessively sorry to say that i had failed to keep the appointment
that we made last friday. now, i am writing you this letter of apology to show
my deep regret. please accept my sincere apology. i hope you will understand
me and excuse me for my failure to turn up.
the reason for my absence was that my mother fell ill at that time. i had
no way out because i had to s her to hospital and look after her. therefore,
it’s not in my power to meet you.
naturally, i want to suggest that we should make another appointment next
time. ,i shall be obliged if you will kindly write and tell me when and where
you will be at convenience.
we may meet again and i hope to see you soon.
yours sincerely,
li ming
道歉信范文英文_道歉信 篇 3
Dear miss nancy,
Much to my regret i was unable to keep my promise to attend your birthday
party last saturday, owing to the fact that my little son was suddenly taken
ill early that day.
Hoping to see you soon.
Truly yours,
道歉信范文英文_道歉信篇1 DearLinda, Iamexcessivelysorrytosaythatihadfailedtokeeptheappointmentthatwemadelastfriday.Now,iamwritingyouthisletterofapologytoshowmydeepregret.Pleaseacceptmysincereapology.Ihopeyouwillunderstandmeandexcusemeformyfailuretoturnup. Thereasonformyabsencewasthatmymotherfellillatthattim...
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