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2024 大兴安岭林海导游词(精选 4 篇)
大兴安岭林海导游词 篇 1
This afternoon, the school organized a social
practice survey to learn howthe ancestors of Inner
Mongolia built our beautiful Daxinganling.
We wear school uniform, wear red scarf, with excited
mood, take the bus toGanhe post station. Arriving there,
you can see a beautiful Pavilion, which isrefreshing. "A
few years ago, it was a place for tourists to rest.
Whenevertourists came here, they would come here to have
a rest and have a look at thebeautiful scenery of Gan
River," the principal said
Then, we went out of the pavilion and walked eastward
along the roadside.There were many sculptures on the
roadside, all of which were the sculptures ofthe builders
of Daxinganling. There are afforestation people, it is
their labor,we have the beautiful and rich Daxinganling;
there are bird nest in the tree, itis they let the
Daxinganling flowers; there are people who eat beside the
tree,I think: in order to build their homes, they eat
outdoors in the north wind, nowwe are so happy!
I must study hard, grow up and make a contribution to
the construction ofthe motherland; Next, we use cattle to
pull down the wood. I seem to see thebuilders working,
and the trucks of wood are transported to the foot of
themountain, which adds a contribution to our
construction. The builders shouthappily, "down the
mountain!" and the sleds pulled by horses and on the
sleds.People wave happily, as if they have something new
to discover; The next one isthe horseman, they are
holding the telescope, as if they are doing the
Then, we came to the cultural corridor of Ganhe, and
the billboard insideattracted our attention. There are
maps of Inner Mongolia, introduction to InnerMongolia's
forest areas, famous rivers in Inner Mongolia: Wujia
River, tabuRiver, krulun River, etc., spine animals in
Daxinganling: snow hare, lynx, wildboar, black bear,
etc., and Mr. Lao She is also famous in Ganhe Far and
widepoem: cicada sound not to Xing'an Mountains, cloud
cold wind Qingshu fromcollection.
"Vast kaolin, green low mountains, beautiful young
forest and quiet motherforest. In the golden season,
thousands of mountains snow, biyuxi andtanwuyueqiu. In
Songtao people's words, excellent talents are all over
ChinaSoon we came to the end of the corridor and lined
up. The headmaster explainedto us: "the source of Gan
River is a clear spring. The spring gushes all yearround
and never dries up. It is said that in the Xianbei period
of the NorthernWei Dynasty, a princess went back to the
Daxinganling where her ancestors livedto hunt in the
In the process of hunting, the princess shot a stag
with superb arrow. Thestag ran away with an arrow, and
the princess chased after her on horseback. Shechased
farther and farther away from her followers. In the end,
the princessshot the buck dead. However, the princess
lost her way in the vast forest. Shecried, walking
farther and farther in the forest The princess lost her
way inmore than ten days, she used barbecued venison to
satisfy her hunger, but it wasdifficult to find water.
It was just a few years of drought, and almost all
the rivers dried up.When she was so thirsty, she could
only eat wild fruits and chew leaves. In thehardship, the
princess felt death approaching her step by step.
Finally, theprincess exhausted in thirst, almost
desperate, and finally found a life-savingspring. She

标签: #导游



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作者:littere... 分类:实用范文 价格:6贝壳 属性:11 页 大小:42.21KB 格式:DOCX 时间:2025-01-02


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