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Time changes the world
Hello everyone, My topic is time changes the world.As
we all known, the world is not waiting for us, she has
her own tool watching us and make us cry, smile and grown
up.What is that, it’s time.Time is a legend, and changes
the world everyday.Most of the children start to walk at
the first twelve and fifteen months of lives, on average
they will start attending school at age six or seven.It
is typical that they will spend their next sixteen years
in education, in love in all the feeling that the
surrounding give, and then graduate,go to work spending
lots of time earn little money at the beginning but with
the time going by, the salary will increase while the
working hours coming down.What all these happen are
because of time, the magic time.If time is still, the
whole world will be still, no sadne, panic, happine and
so on.Please allow me to present a fairly aumption about
the eight minutes memory just before death.Eight minutes
will change the world.This idea seems like humoristic or
even ridiculous.However, it base on a scientific proof
that there will be an eight minute memory stored in your
part of brain ready to be extracted before the rotting
flesh.The eight minutes is the last moment before the
death, therefore if this kind of fragment of memory
retrieved and then embedded in to another person’s
brain, the truths of numbers of iues can be
uncovered.Eight minutes can do lots of things.Let me give
you an example, it is a story in a film called “ source
code” and the story line is that the counter terrorist
unit use this eight minute memory make another soldier
who died in The Iraq War enter a blast scene in the New
York city to looking for the murder.The story I told you
just know sounds like a little bit fantastic, so now, let
me give you some simple proofs that the time can change a
world.For one thing, three years ago, you fell in a madly
love with a man, he accept you at that time but when he
saw the lady who is his true love, you broke up feel hurt
while you don't want to get some rebound date with other
guys in club or somewhere, then therefore, time is the
best antidote.With the time going on, you will come back
to the original happy one.For another thing, a little boy
and a little live in neighbourhood from their childhood,
grown up together, attend primary secondary and high
school together and then luckily both of them are
accepted by the same university, with time going on, as
we all known, the happy ending like a fairy tale style
called love will come in time.On the other hand, if they
enter different university in different city, the long
distances make them cannot meet each other for a long
time.The ending will be sorrowful both of them have a
separate world with others in their rest of
lives.Therefore, time changes the world, with time going
on, all the things in the world will be changed
consciously or unconsciously, just like before you came
into this room, you feel happy, with time going on, until
most of you feel boring.That's all, thank you.

标签: #英文



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作者:littere... 分类:演讲稿 价格:6贝壳 属性:3 页 大小:38.01KB 格式:DOCX 时间:2024-10-11


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