
To have everything done by my robot, I sit in the
garden en of my villa and watch the pink snow flowing in
the sky with all kinds of delicious food circling around
me. I reach out for the goodies. Ling-ling-ling! Suddenly
the telephone rings. Oh, it’s only a daydream.
With the mixture of romance and imagination, the girl
who likes daydreaming appears to be here. Martin Luther
King had his big dream that is to liberate his Negro
brothers, and I have my small daydreams. But we share
something in common which is that we all desire for a
bright future. With my love for delicious food, I always
daydreamed of many goodies being severed to me. Although
I awoke every time without having a taste at those
goodies, these interesting experience have relaxed my
brain, and the hope for a bright future has encouraged me
to be more diligent to realize my daydreams. The
necessary element romance has helped me to have more fun
in my daily life and get closer to the beautiful nature.
The element imagination has helped me to be more creative
in my study and daily life.
But daydreams need a limit. I only allows myself to
daydream at the right time and for certain times for fear
that I would get too far from the real life or will be
too lazy to work hard lost in those remote daydreams.
Maybe I will find a job that will realize my
daydreams and offers me more time for daydreaming, but
who knows? Another daydream will probably change my idea.
Days and days, dreams and dreams, and that are
daydream. Young girls, enough imagination, and that are
my daydreams.
Who is the girl that is standing there? Lovely dress,
beautiful shoes, and a prince who is holding her hands,
dancing at the ball. Oh! A daydream once again. Thank you
for listening!
英语演讲稿:Daydreaminglife Tohaveeverythingdonebymyrobot,Isitinthegardenenofmyvillaandwatchthepinksnowflowingintheskywithallkindsofdeliciousfoodcirclingaroundme.Ireachoutforthegoodies.Ling-ling-ling!Suddenlythetelephonerings.Oh,it’sonlyadaydream. Withthemixtureofromanceandimagination,thegirlwholikesday...
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属性:2 页