
杭州西溪英文导游词(精选 3篇)
杭州西溪英文 游 篇导 词 1
Xixi national wetland park located in the west of hangzhou, from the west
lake in less than five kilometers, here rich ecological resources, elegant
natural landscape, cultural heritage deep, is China's first collection of
urban wetland, farming wetland and cultural wetland in the integration of
national wetland park. The planning area of 10 m2 km, of which, covers an area
of 3.46 square kilometers of the first phase began in August 20xx, on May 1,
20xx to be built and opening to the outside world; Area of 4.89 square
kilometers of the second phase has been launched in May 20xx, plan completed
in 20xx; Three phase of the project covers an area of 3.15 km, plans to launch
in 20xx.
Xixi wins, is that water alone. About 70% of the water is the soul of
xixi, the park covers an area of river, pond, lake overflow, swamp, such as
water, is the so-called "a qu streams a smoke", the entire park six river
intersection, meanwhile there are many branchingstream and designed in fish
ponds, forming a unique xixi wetland landscape.
Xixi, emphasis on ecology. To strengthen ecological protection, set up a
fee in the wetland, lining, shrimp, longtan, sunset sky ripples the three
ecological conservation and ecological restoration area. At the entrance to a
wetland science pavilion, campus has three bioremediation pva pool and wetland
ecology. Xixi is a paradise of birds, the park is equipped with several
GuanDiaoTing, tourists present a flock of birds huan fly.
Xixi humanities, has a long history. Xixi is a secluded place since
ancient times, being regarded as a pure land on earth, xanadu. Autumn snow,
mooring temples, the plum and the bamboo hill temples, xixi in history have
been on this site are many scholars started to don't, they left a large number
of poems in xixi ode. Deep tan mouth century-old camphor tree under the
ancient stage, it is said that in north or opera artist to debut.
Xixi folkway, honest plain. The Dragon Boat Festival every year in dragon
boat games will be held in deep tan mouth, has a long history and unique in
form, known as "dragon boat". Smoke water fishing village near "xixi family",
"mulberry, silkworm, silk, silk story" return of the indigenous inhabitants of
the xixi peasant living labor scene, let more people know and understand the
typical of the region of the folk custom.
At present, China's wetland resources has been widely and serious
destruction and pollution, especially the edge of the city wetland, due to the
ecological vulnerability itself exists system, coupled with urbanization,
industrialization, love almost disappeared. Landscape green design has
generally become and related cultural heritage of the effective ways to
protect the ecological system, green landscape design also is advantageous to
the comprehensive planning and the sustainable utilization of land, is
beneficial to protect the endangered animal and plant species, and cultural
heritage protection area.
杭州西溪英文 游 篇导 词 2
Xixi national wetland park located in the west of hangzhou, from the west
lake is less than 5 kilometers, is a rare of the secondary wetlands in the
city. Here the ecological resources are rich, plain natural landscape,
cultural heritage deep, with, go on saying that "three west" hangzhou west
lake, is the nation's first and only collection of urban wetland, farming
wetland and cultural wetland in the integration of national wetland park. Xixi
wins, is that water alone. Water is the soul of xixi, about 70% of the area of
river, pond, lake overflow, swamp, such as water, is the so-called "a qu
streams a smoke", the entire park six river intersection, meanwhile there are
many branchingstream and designed in fish ponds, forming a unique xixi wetland
Xixi, emphasis on ecology. To strengthen ecological protection, set up a
fee in the wetland home pond, shrimp, longtan, sunset sky ripples the three
ecological conservation and ecological restoration area. At the entrance to a
wetland science pavilion, campus has three bioremediation pva pool and wetland
ecology. Xixi is a paradise of birds, it has several GuanDiaoTing, tourists
present a flock of birds huan fly. Xixi humanities, has a long history. Xixi
is a secluded place since ancient times, being regarded as a pure land on
earth, xanadu. Autumn snow, the plum and the bamboo hill temples, xixi in
history have been on this site are many scholars started to don't, they left a
large number of poems in xixi ode. Leaders such as meidefang, kangxi, qianlong
and writing calligraphy to express admiration of xixi. According to research
xixi shaoxing opera north pie artists debut.
Xixi folkway, honest plain. The Dragon Boat Festival every year in dragon
boat games will be held in deep pools mouth, has a long history and unique in
form, known as "dragon boat". Smoke water fish near zhuang "xixi family",
"silkworm silk stories", "xixi marriage customs house", "xixi distillery"
return of the indigenous inhabitants of the xixi peasant living labor scene,
let more people know and understand jiangnan typical folk.
杭州西溪英文 游 篇导 词 3
各位游客朋友,大家好!——非常欢迎大家来到中国第一个国家湿地公园 杭州西溪国
船,在游船尾部及第一排座位底下均放有救生设备,请大家放心乘坐。 现在游船即将进
顺时针方向行驶,沿途停靠烟水鱼庄、深潭口、茭芦田庄等景点,4月至 10 月末班船的发
船时间为 16 点30 分,其余时间末班船的发船时间为 16 点。请大家控制好自己的游玩时
,并妥善保管好自己的 、船票,上景点参 后,需凭票到指定上船 再次乘船。间 门 观 码头
各位游客朋友,我 在已 入了主航道,杭州西溪国家湿地公园位于杭州市西们现 经进
部,距市中心武林门约 6公里,距西湖约 5公里。历史上的西溪风景区面积 60 平方公里,
“ ”与西湖、西冷并称为 三西 。大家现在看到的西溪湿地,规划面积为 10.08 平方公里,目
前已开放的面积为 8.35 平方公里。主要以塘、河、港、湖漾及狭窄的塘基和面 大的积较
那么为什么要把西溪称为湿地呢?“ ”让我们先来了解一下湿地的概念, 湿地 的英文解
“释是 wetland” 。Wet “ ”是 潮湿 的意思,land “ ”是 土地 的意思。大体上可分为广义和狭
“ ”义两种。狭义的湿地,是指陆地与水域之间的过度地带。 湿地公约 对湿地的定义,采用
‘域地带 带有或静止或流动、或为淡水、半咸水或咸水水体者,包括低潮时水深不超过 6米
水深超时 过 6米的区域。
— — — —历了海侵 海退 湖泊沼泽化 最后形成原始湿地的漫长演变过程。近千年来,因为人
各位游客朋友, 在我 右手 即将 的是泊 景区,泊 位于秋雪庵的南面。现 们 边经过 蓭 蓭
“ ”泽。庄园似仙岛泊于水上,故名 泊蓭 。身处草蓭之中,但见门对高峰,阶临绿水,草荡
”下置蒲 。 来高咏何人句,摩 渊明 。倘若你有机会独居泊 ,就能感受到西团 兴 诘 陆务观蓭
我们说西溪之胜独在于水,在西溪水域面积高达 70%。西溪的水主要来
入京杭大运河。西溪湿地的历史平均水位 1.36 米,目前西溪湿地的水源供 是 定应输 稳
的,平均水深 1.3—3 米左右。
此外,西溪湿地内还分布有2700 多个各具特色的水产池塘,从空中俯瞰犹如片片银
湿地类型汇聚于一体,是中国人工湿地可持续利用的典范。 现在我们右手边将经过的这
“ ”得名。百家溇主要有三个小岛组合而成,分别是 河南、河北和小上海,因此这个地方又
杭州西溪英文导游词(精选3篇)杭州西溪英文游篇导词1 Xixinationalwetlandparklocatedinthewestofhangzhou,fromthewestlakeinlessthanfivekilometers,hererichecologicalresources,elegantnaturallandscape,culturalheritagedeep,isChina'sfirstcollectionofurbanwetland,farmingwetlandandculturalwetlandintheintegrationofnationalwetlandpark....
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