
古诗经典开场白(精选 30 篇)
古 典开 白 篇诗经 场 1
古 典开 白 篇诗经 场 2
古 典开 白 篇诗经 场 3
(萌)good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the english talent
competition held by foreign language department.I'm the host zhou meng.
(叶)I' m ye hai yan.
(常)I'm chang wei.
(青)I' m zhang qing
(叶) english is a door, through which we may walk closer to succe.
(常) english is a window ,out of which we can see a colourful life.
(女1) english is a mirror, in which we can find both others and ourselves.
(青)as we all know, english is becoming increasingly popular around the
(女2)exactly right.that?s why we held the show tonight.we hope more and
more students will join us in english learning, and find the pleasure in
english learning.
(青)today, we divided all the contestants into three groups: drama group,
singing group and speech group.the most exciting point is that every group
will only produce one champion.
(萌)before we get our show started, please allow me to introduce our
honorable judges.they are.
(常)thanks for your coming.now it?s my turn to introduce all the
distinguished leaders and guests.接下来请允许我介绍一下今晚到场的领导和嘉宾,
thanks for your all-out support of this competition and thanks for your
coming as well.
(叶)before we begin our show,I'd like to invite our dean, profeor chen to
give us a speech up on the stage.let?s welcome.
10 英本 7班夏开伟《challenge for chance 》(陈)today, all the contestants
from speech group will talk about “challenge” in their prepared speech,and
then answer the judges? question in their impromptu speech.(常)every
contestant will be judged on the content and persuasivene of their speeches as
well as their intonation pronunciation and fluency in speaking english .
(陈)since we are clear now, why not invite the first contestant to deliver
his speech.i just can?t wait.
(常)okay,ladies and gentlemen ,please put your hands together to welcome
our first speech contestant 夏开伟,from grade 2 cla 7.welcome!!!
(陈)indian people are famous for their hospitalities and talents in
(常)yes ,indian dance always gives us an visual impact and let ?s want
to join the dancers.
(陈)now ladies and gentlemen please take a rest and enjoy an indian group
(常)let?s welcome all the dancers from art group of f.l.d with this
special performance.welcome 11 英本 3班吴星霖《梁祝》
(陈)liangzhu is a very famous story in chinese history.some people think
it?s a romantic story because the two
lovers in the story became two butterflies when they died,and they can fly
together forever.
(常)while others hold the opinion that this is a tragedy because after
experiencing so many setbacks and obstacles , they finally can?t be together.
(陈)yes, different people have different ideas.we can find a lots of
different versions on the internet.
(常)today, the students from grade 1 cla 3 will stage this clacial
story.what?s their understanding of liangzhu, let?s wait and see.
10 英本 8班詹文娜《if i were a boy 》(陈)i bet everyone here knows who is
(常)of course.beyonce is an american recording artist, actre and fashion
designer.her songs always appears on the billboard.her third album earned her
six grammys in one night. (陈)she is a genuine superstar.today contestant 詹文
娜will perform beyonce ?s “if i were a boy” on the stage.(常)wow ,that ? s a
big challenge .but i think she can make it. (陈)let?s warmly welcome 詹文娜
from grade 2 cla 8 with the song if i were a boy.
09 英本 3班袁沙《are you ready for the challenge》
(常)陈翼,you know i have been with this competition for three times, gue
what, i simply haven?t had it enough.
(陈)i gue that?s why you?re here again for this year?s competition.but for
me , this is the very first time to host such a big event .this is a big
challenge for me.
(常) i think you did a good job tonight.actually challenges are
everywhere, we should remind ourselves to get ready at any moment.
(陈)now , let?s welcome 袁沙 from grade 3 cla3 with her speech 《are you
ready for the challenge 》09 英本 6班肖彤《when you are gone 》(陈) robert, i
want to know who is your favorite singer ?
(常) i like avril because of her powerful voice.it?s contagious ,everytime
,when i listen to her music, i can?t help singing together with the radio.
(陈)wow..i think you are the most lucky guy today,cause 肖彤 from grade 3
cla 6 will perform her song “when you are gone”on the stage.(常):what a big
surprise .now let?s welcome the last contestant with the song when you are
(常)ladies and gentlemen, up to now , all our contestants have shown their
wonderful performances here.now it?s time for the award ceremony
标签: #开场白
古诗经典开场白(精选30篇)古典开白篇诗经场1 今天是我们鲁山一高附中诗韵经典古诗文社团成果的展示比赛 上下五千年,纵横几万里。我们的祖国历史悠久,我们的文化博大精深。在漫漫的历史星河中,闪耀着无数颗璀璨的星星: 今天,让我们走进悠远的古代,探求幽幽的情怀;今天,让我们与圣贤为友,与诗词作伴;今天,让我们尽情歌诵,尽情吟唱。有请主持人古典开白篇诗经场2 合:尊敬的各位老师、各位同学,大家好! 男:华夏文明源远流长。 女:唐诗宋词博大精深。 男:朗诵唐诗宋词,增长我们知识。 女:诵读经典诗文,陶冶我们情操。 合:二(3)班朗诵古诗和三字经,现在开始。古典开白篇诗经场3 开场:...
客服请联系: fanwenhaiwang@163.com 微信:fanwenhai2012
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