
3.0 文海小编3 2024-08-19 999+ 36.33KB 1 页 免费 海报
英文求职自我介绍信(精选 3篇)
英文求 自我介 信 篇 1
    Dear Mr. / Ms.,
    This is to introduce Mr. Frank Jones, our new marketing specialist who
will be in London fromApril 5 to mid April on business.
    We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr. Jones and will always be
happy to reciprocate.
    Yours faithfully,
    Yang Ning
英文求 自我介 信 篇 2
    Dear Mr. / Ms,
    We are pleased to introduce Mr. Wang You, our import manager of Textiles
Department. Mr.Wang is spending three weeks in your city to develop our
business with chief manufactures andto make purchases of decorative fabrics
for the coming season.
    We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable
manufacturers and give him anyhelp or advice he may need.
    Yours faithfully,
英文求 自我介 信 篇 3
    Dear Mr. / Ms,
    We are pleased to introduce Mr. Wang You, our import manager of Textiles
Department. Mr.Wang is spending three weeks in your city to develop our
business with chief manufactures andto make purchases of decorative fabrics
for the coming season.
    We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable
manufacturers and give him anyhelp or advice he may need.
    Yours faithfully,
    Yang Ning

标签: #介绍信 #英文


英文求职自我介绍信(精选3篇)英文求自我介信篇职绍1  DearMr./Ms.,  ThisistointroduceMr.FrankJones,ournewmarketingspecialistwhowillbeinLondonfromApril5tomidAprilonbusiness.  WeshallappreciateanyhelpyoucangiveMr.Jonesandwillalwaysbehappytoreciprocate.  Yoursfaithfully,  YangNing英文求自我介信篇职绍2  DearMr./Ms,  Wearepleasedtointroduc...

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作者:文海小编3 分类:实用范文 价格:免费 属性:1 页 大小:36.33KB 格式:DOCX 时间:2024-08-19


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