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山东济南趵突泉导游词(精选 3篇)
南趵突泉 东济 导 词 1
判两国边界一事的记载。鲁桓公十七年(公元前 695 )。齐国和鲁国因边界争执发生战
学家曾巩始称为趵突泉,并流传至今。不宋朝. ” “代曾有人称叫 泉 、
” “ ” “ 泉 、 爆流泉 、 瀑流泉 等等,但都趵突泉这个名字精当传神
    ” “ ” “ “ “趵突泉,三并发,声如隐雷, 泉源上, 水涌若轮 称 趵突腾空 。 云雾润
是趵突泉一景。泉水一年四季恒定摄氏 18 左右,到了严冬早晨,水面上水气袅袅
“ ”牌坊匾额朝南的一面上刻 洞天福地 ; ” “ 北的一面是 旧迹 指传说中东
“ ”海神山的蓬莱方丈州三座神山,趵突泉为旧迹 ?为东海神山不过传说
“ ”,所以称旧迹 。泉池西侧入水中的小亭叫观亭,亭建于明朝天顺五年
(1461)至今已有 500 “ ”多年历史,亭西墙壁嵌刻的两,一两个大字,
<<孟子.尽心>>“ “ ”观水有其澜 ,为明代法家张钦墨迹一 第一泉 的石
“ ”趵突泉,为明代山东巡抚胡缵宗心的游客有的可会发现突成了 突 ,
“ ”了两传说劲挺柱涌的三把 盖子 顶掉了,才使 突 字成了现在这个样,当然
“ ”客会名优 京剧流演出的舞台。趵突泉东池北水而着,窗明几净的建筑
就是有名的蓬莱称望亭茶,清文人施闰章曾写诗歌曰: 仰山之
泉之洁,清流激湍兮孰浚其?潜蛟蛰兮飞虹蜿蜒 说明这个地方在当时是
  “ ”携饮之 北玉泉水全部换为趵突泉的水,春茶味更真 ,不趵突泉的
“ ”水,空济南游之。趵突泉池北的大殿叫 泺源堂 ,紧挨泺源堂的两大殿,
“ ” “ ” “ ”吕祖
“ ”前,第一大殿祀道教八仙之一的,称 吕祖,第二大殿祀吕教师离权
“ ”离宫 ,上,第三大殿是斗母殿。南的大殿泺源堂,三间两
“ ”,古色古上的木刻楹联, 云雾润蒸华不波涛赵孟府
“ ” “ ” “ ”称 泺源堂 ,北殿面历山称 历山堂 ,解放后恢复为 泺源堂 。游客们到中间这
殿堂叫英祠英祠纪念的两皇和女英而建,<<水经>> 记载泺水
娥姜水。以泉源的英祠故1520xx 年前就建有。现在的
“ ”建筑。英祠面的 三殿 是清建筑。在落内花格透墙着的 30 余方石刻都
清时名人的,内这,“ ”前书 激湍 二字,<<题趵突泉作>>
南趵突泉 东济 导 词 2
    Baotu Spring Park is located in the center of Jinan, south of
QianfoMountain, east of Quancheng Square, north of Daming Lake, covering an
area ofabout 158 mu. Baotu Spring Park is a natural landscape park with spring
as themain water. It is the top of 72 Famous Springs in Jinan and is known as
"thefirst spring in the world".
    front gate
    Before entering the park, the first thing you can see is the
"BaotuShengjing" archway at the east gate of the park. The archway is 7.5
meters highand the total width between the columns is 9.3 meters. The shape of
the archwayis: four columns and three skyscrapers. The east gate of Baotu
Spring Park isthe gate of the national style building with white walls, grey
tiles and rollingshed. "Baotu Spring" on the plaque in the middle of the gate
was written byComrade Guo Moruo in 1959. The three main hall scenic spot was
originally builtby Zeng Gong, a famous literary scholar. The North Hall is now
called Sanshenghall, offering sacrifices to Yao, Shun and Yu, the ancestor of
China. The middlehall is e Ying temple, offering sacrifices to e Huang and nu
Ying, Shun's twowives. The South Hall is Luoyuan hall, which is named for its
proximity toLuoshui. On the pillars are the three halls of Zhao Meng's spring
chanting poem"the clouds are moist and steaming, and the waves shake Daming
Lake". There arerare "double imperial steles" in the courtyard, which record
the inscriptions ofBaotu Spring of Kangxi Sanlin and Qianlong Erlin. Kangxi's
inscriptions excitethe turbulence, and Qianlong's inscriptions mention Baotu
Spring again.
    Baotu Spring Scenic Spot
    Baotu Spring has a long history and was called Luo in ancient times. In
thespring and Autumn period, Duke Huan of Lu met the Marquis of Qi in Luo, and
ZengGong, a great scholar of Song Dynasty, began to call it "Baotu Spring".
Standingon the Guanlan Pavilion, you can see the stone tablet in the water in
front ofthe pavilion, engraved with "Baotu Spring", which was written by Hu
zuanzong inthe Ming Dynasty. If you are careful, you may find that the word
"Tu" is missingthe point above. The word "Baotu Spring" was written by Hu
zuanzong, governor ofShandong Province in Ming Dynasty. Careful tourists will
notice that there aretwo missing points in the word "Baotu Spring". One way is
to express people'swish that the spring will never end. One way of saying is
that Baotu Spring isfull of water, which washes away the points on the spring
and goes along themoat to Daming Lake. Therefore, the word "Ming" of Daming
Lake is added.
    Shuyuquan scenic spot
    Shuyuquan, like rain on a sunny day, is a turtle stone originally
collectedby Zhang yanghao, a famous Yuan Dynasty Sanqu artist. It commemorates
GuanSheng's Ma Pao spring. It comes from shuyuquan, which is located in
ShushiZhenliu's, and Li Qingzhao's memorial hall. There is a couplet: "the
formerresidence of Baotu Spring on the Bank of Daming Lake is deep in
Chuiyang, andthere is a posterity in Shuyu's collection of Jinshi."
南趵突泉 东济 导 词 3
    Dear friends, welcome to Baotu Spring Park.
    Baotu Spring Park was built in 1956, because there is Baotu Spring
named.Located in the west of Luoyuan street. There are many spring pools in
the park,including Jinxian spring, Shuyu spring and mabao spring, which
constitute thefirst of the four spring groups.
    Baotu Spring Park is famous for its small and exquisite scenery, clean
andquiet, simple and elegant. The park is planned to be ten scenic spots with
atotal area of nearly 100 mu. Baotu Spring, three caves concurrent, sound
likehidden thunder, "spring on the struggle", "water gushing like a wheel"
said"Baotu soar". The unique landscape of "cloud and mist moistening and
steaming"is one of the eight scenic spots in Jinan.
    There is also a legend of Baotu Spring

标签: #导游 #山东


山东济南趵突泉导游词(精选3篇)山南趵突泉游篇东济导词1  各位游客、各位先生、小姐,一路辛苦了,欢迎您来趵突泉游园赏泉。  我们公园始建于一六年,因内有趵突泉而得名。现居市中心,位于泺源大街西首。趵突泉周围泉池众多,形成了趵突泉群。着名的金线泉、漱玉泉、马跑泉、卧牛泉、皇华泉、柳絮泉、老金线泉、洗钵泉、尚志泉、螺丝泉、满井泉、无忧泉、白云泉、望水泉、东高泉、登州泉、杜康泉、混沙泉、龙池泉、白龙湾等,构成了四大泉群之首。作为众泉之冠趵突泉成了泉城的独特象征。  我们趵突泉公园以观泉、赏鱼、品茶、山石、文化为特色,以小巧玲珑、步移景异,清洁幽静、古朴典雅而着称。全园共规划为十个景区,这就是趵突泉...

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