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英语导游词泰山参考必备(精选 3篇)
泰山参考必 语导 词 1
    Fellow friends:
    Hello! Sincerely welcome you to come to Taishan, today I and everybody
willmount the summit together from the Taishan east road.
    This big, ancient Taishan has contained the rich nature and
culturalaccumulating, has been included by the United
NationsEducational,Scientific andCultural Organization the world natureand the
culturalheritage name list. Now,we still had such to ask "like ancient;Dai
Zong husband how " Then, marches intotogetherwith me themountain, understands
Taishan's charm.
    Here is daimiao. From daimiao the start, after the Dai Zong
workplace,afontanel, the red gate, center the fontanel, rises theimmortal
workplace to thesouth fontanel, is the road which ancienttimes emperorancient
rite of makingsacrifices Taishan passedthrough, now iscalled by the well-known
person "Ascends to heavenscenic area" Also calls the east road, is in
thepresentTaishanmountaineering 6 roads most ancient. We will mount
fromthisroadGoes against Extremely.
    Everybodynoted has been palatial daimiao front, but also
somesmallertemple,this was " Remote senate pavilion " Was same
yearemperortheancient rite of making sacrifices Taishan's initialstation.
Sameyear the kingcame when Taishan held the ancient rite ofmakingsacrifices
Standard Offers asacrifice to, all first must in herehold simply paysrespect
to the ceremony,therefore before MingDynasty, called thiswas " Grass senate
pavilion " . Whenthe MingDynastyperforms the extension, changes name is "
Remote senatepavilion". Although is a character is easy, the base
wasreverentactually contains.
    The friends,China's ancient architecture has the unique status
intheworldconstruction history, this remote senate
pavilionconstructionideaalready will stem from the ancient rite of
makingsacrificesgrandceremony from this but step by step to enter the high
tidefortheprelude the need, after also will be esthetics
thoughtmanifestingwhichChina ancient times first damped raises.
    In the rightnoon time gate was daimiao, was even is a
mysteriousside.daimiaohas the like this charm, decides to it own
characteristic.First,itsfence then is different with the general temple, the
fenceweek1,300 meters, 5cornerstones, on build Blue Big the brick,assumesthe
trapezoid, gets down thewidth 17.6 meters, on the width11meters, the high
approximately 10 meters,altogether have 8gates:Center is the right noon time
gate, is daimiao mainentrance.Enters bythe right noon time gate daimiao comes,
the frontsurfacematches thefontanel, takes " which Kong Zi said; Germany
matchesworld"Meaning. Matches the fontanel two sides, east for WorksThree the
marquispalace,west for too , between three palaces tothe wall isconnected, the
constitutiondaimiao among as soon asenters thecourtyard.
    Crossed thekernel peaceful gate, then is grand big Song Tiankuang,
itcallsthetowering extremely palace, is this temple main body. Day
palacesurfaceextravagant 9, 643.67 meters, depth of a house 5,17.18meters,
pass the height23.3 meters. Everybody looked that,the day palace is situated
above the spaciouswhite
    stationbase,periphery the stone carving fence surrounds, the
cloudshapelooksthe column uneven row, caused the day palace to
havethemarvelouseffect with all around environment.
    Around theday palace serves with the winding corridor, has
formedabigcourtyard, in China's construction, the porch plays enable
thespaceto havethoroughly, collects was mad, close, is rigorous andalso isrich
in the changethe role, this is in the worldconstructionhistory all performs to
praise.daimiao the windingcorridor closely issurrounding a double-eaved
roofPalacebigbuilding, straight and thelofty contrast has aroused the people
todaypalace revering. Ourcountry the ancient architecture fullyrealized in
worldnotabsolutely greatly absolutely small, the sizeis produces from
thecontrast,besides all around Even Low thewinding corridor, in front ofthe
day palace inthe platform hasalso repaired two exquisiteimperial tablets
pavilions, bothhashighlighted the day palace,and to the grand center house
holdstranquilly iscomfortable,therefore the day palace certainly wasnot the
grand twocharactersmay summarize.
    slanders theback door from the day to leave, has the bricks andstones
roadandthe latter imperial palace is connected. When songzhenzong
sealsTaishan,because Taishan will seal will be "Emperor " The emperormust have
" Latter "Thereuponthen has matched Madame " for it; Shunext two " .
Lookedlike from thispoint, daimiao if said is theTaoism god governmentoffice,
but also was inferiorto said likesthe imperial palace, thiskind of layout had
further disclosedthefeudal ruler uses daimiaocarries on the political activity
    A momentago, we were along daimiao main spool thread tour,
butadvocatesthespool thread two sides, originally in addition has
4individualcourtyards,around the east side two courtyards, first is"
Chinesecypress courtyard " Handsdown 6 copals whichMartial emperor of
Handynasty plants on in this courtyard;Latter is" East imperial place" Is
emperor offers a sacrifice to theplace whichTaishanstays.
泰山参考必 语导 词 2
    Ladies and Gentlemen:
    Welcome to Tai’an. Welcome to Mt. Taishan.
    Being a symbol of the Chinese nation, Mt. Taishan has all along
beenesteemed as the first of the Five Sacred Mountains in China, a divine
mountain,and a holy mountain, and other hills or mountains never enjoy such a
status.With a height of 1545 meters, its majesty and splendor is incomparable.
There isa famous “saying, “Scaling Mt. Taishan makes one feel superior to
the wholeworld”, as it creates a feeling of regal dignity and imperial
    Mt. Taishan is mainly made up of natural sights as well as man-made
sights.There are four scenic areas on Mt. Taishan, the East and West Routes,
theMid-heaven Gate----junction of the two routes, and the Jade Emperor Summit.
  “Serenity” characterizes the east routes. It is the best option to take
fora climb up Mt. Taishan. Many cultural relics and historic sites bear
witness ofthe past history. Attractions include Daizong Archway the place
where Confuciushad visited, Jingshi Valley, Hutian Pavilion, Mid-heaven Gate,
Five PinesPavilion and Eighteen Bends.
  “Vastness” characterizes the west route, famous for its natural
scenery.The winding highway forms the main path. Beautiful ridges and peaks
form asilhouette speckled with long and narrow valleys, enigmatic and
charmingwaterfalls and crystal-clear rippling streams. The International Mt.
TaiClimbing Festival is held there annually, and people from many
differentcountries come to participate in, and enjoy the event. The main
sights of thewest route include Longevity Bridge, Black Dragon Pool, Remains
of Tian ShengFort and Fan Cliff.
    With a height of 847 meters, the Mid-heaven Gate forms the crossing of
theeast and west routes. In the “Sacrifices-to-Heaven Hall”, people can get
afantastic view of the mountain. On the east lies the pretty Mid-stream
Mountain;to the west is the wandering Phoenix Valley; in the south is the
wispy and mistyWen River and to the north is the hanging cloud ladder, a
scenic spot calledFive Pines Pavilion.
    This is the highest peak of Mt. Taishan. At the peak lies the Jade
EmperorTemple, where a bronze statue of the Jade Emperor is worshipped. You
can enjoythe beauty of sunrise in the mornings in the east pavilion and the
golden beltsof Yellow River in the west pavilion. The most spectacular feature
of the JadeEmperor Summit is the carpet of snow---indeed a marvelous spectacle

标签: #导游 #英语


英语导游词泰山参考必备(精选3篇)英游泰山参考必篇语导词备1  Fellowfriends:  Hello!SincerelywelcomeyoutocometoTaishan,todayIandeverybodywillmountthesummittogetherfromtheTaishaneastroad.  Thisbig,ancientTaishanhascontainedtherichnatureandculturalaccumulating,hasbeenincludedbytheUnitedNationsEducational,ScientificandCulturalOrgan...

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作者:littere... 分类:实用范文 价格:免费 属性:4 页 大小:41.47KB 格式:DOCX 时间:2024-08-16


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