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承德避暑山庄导游词英语(精选 35 篇)
承德避暑山庄 导词语 1
    Hello! I'm your little guide: Li Xinyu. Welcome to Chengde summer
resort.Located in the north of Chengde City, the summer resort is the largest
classicalRoyal Garden in China.
    The summer resort is a symbol of the heyday of Kangxi and Qianlong in
QingDynasty. As the founders of the villa, Kangxi and Qianlong visited the
south ofthe Yangtze River for six times, traversing the beauty of the scenery
in theworld. In the construction of the summer resort, the advantages of many
familieswere learned, and the style of Chinese north and south gardens was
integrated,so that the summer resort became the summary and sublimation of
Chineseclassical garden art. Chinese garden experts say that the whole summer
resort isthe epitome of the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland.
Why doexperts say that? I think ladies and gentlemen will answer this question
aftervisiting the summer resort. However, I would like to remind you that the
reasonis related to the topography of the summer resort. Ladies and gentlemen,
thesummer resort is here. Please get out of the car. Now I'll show you
    The antique door in front of us is the main door of the summer
resort,which is called the Li main door. It is the entrance of the Qing
emperor. Today,I invite you to be the "emperor" and experience the emperor's
    People who come to Chengde usually go to the mountain to touch
Bangchuimountain, because there is a popular saying in Chengde: "if you touch
Bangchuimountain, you can live one hundred and three years." If you are
interested, youmay as well go up the mountain and have a look.
    This is the Chengde summer resort I'll show you.
承德避暑山庄 导词语 2
    Hello, tourist friends, I'm your tour guide. My name is Lin,
shuangmulin.You can call me Xiao Lin or director Lin. I hope I can have a
happy day withyou.
    Chengde summer resort is located in the north of Chengde city. It is
thelargest existing classical Royal Garden in China and a symbol of the
flourishingage of the Qing Dynasty. During the construction of this villa, the
style ofChinese north and south gardens was integrated to make the summer
resort asummary of Chinese classical garden art.
    We are now in Dehui gate of Chengde summer resort. Along this road, we
willarrive at the famous Shuixin Pavilion. Shuixin Pavilion is a three Ying
doubleeaves pavilion with stone bridge on the lake as the bottom. The three
pavilionsare two small and one large. Walking up the stone bridge, you can see
beautifulmurals on the wooden frame at the top of the three pavilions. You can
also seeLuohan mountain and sengguan peak in the distance. During the reign of
EmperorKangxi, parties were often held here on the 15th day of July. There
were somepavilions and pavilions nearby. You can enjoy them freely.
    Next, we go north to the island called "Moonlight River sound", which is
anoval island. The architectural layout of the island adopts the
northerncourtyard style, and the halls are connected by corridors. It seems
that thepillars outside the gate and hall are inclined, but actually they are
firm. Thisis one of the three unique features of the villa architecture. It is
said thatthis design was inspired by Kangxi, implying that "the upper beam is
not rightand the lower beam is crooked" to warn the officials. You can go to
the islandto play, take photos and pay attention to safety. We will gather
here in 40minutes.
    Well, all the friends are here. Let's continue to play. Now the scenic
spotwe are going to is Lengxiang Pavilion. Some poets use "Pavilion pillow
lotuspond to play with water fragrance. It's very cool with flowers." To
describelengxiangting. Sitting in the pavilion, you can enjoy the fragrance of
lotus andthe water color.
    Because time is limited, today's visit has come to an end. I hope you
willhave a chance to come to Chengde. I'll accompany you to enjoy it. See you
承德避暑山庄 导词语 3
    Hello, I'm Pang ziyue, the gold medal tour guide of sunshine travel
agency.Today, let me introduce Chengde's summer resort to you. Please follow
me toenter the villa. You must keep up with me, or you will be sorry if you
don'thear my explanation.
    Chengde summer resort is a world cultural heritage, a national key
culturalrelic protection unit, and one of the four famous gardens in China. It
was aplace for the emperors of Qing Dynasty to spend summer and deal with
governmentaffairs. The summer resort was built in 1703. It took 89 years to
complete afterthe reign of Emperor Kangxi, Emperor Yongzheng and Emperor
Qianlong. The summerresort is mainly divided into palace area and garden area.
Now let's focus onthe palace area.
    The palace area is located on the South Bank of the lake, covering an
areaof 100000 square meters. The terrain is flat. It is the place where the
emperordeals with government affairs, holds celebrations and lives. It is rich
inscenery, surrounded by mountains, green grass and flowers. Compared with
othergardens, it has its unique style. The architecture of the palace is
    After visiting the palace area, the scenic spot on our right is the
gardenscenic spot, which can be divided into three parts: Lake area, plain
area andmountain area. There are several big temples, eight lakes and eight
smallislands in the villa. This garden is also my favorite scenic spot.
Withmountains and water, the scenery is very beautiful. It is suitable for
theelderly and children to play slowly in the scenic area.
    After listening to my explanation, you must feel how smart and
hardworkingthe working people of our country were at that time. You must also
have yourfavorite scenic spots. Next, you can move freely and play more in
your favoritescenic spots. My explanation ends here. I hope that through my
explanation, youwill have a new understanding and insight of Chengde summer
resort. Thankyou!
承德避暑山庄 导词语 4
    Hello everyone, my name is Ying Langlang. You can call me Ying guide.
I'mvery glad to take you to Chengde summer resort. Let's know its history
first.Chengde summer resort is an ancient imperial palace in China and one of
theworld cultural heritages. Together with the summer palace,
HumbleAdministrator's garden and Liuyuan garden, it is known as China's four
famousgardens. Now please join me to appreciate its charm.
    Please go around the corridor and have a look! Now in front of you is
theSizhi bookstore, which sounds like the Sanwei bookstore in Shaoxing.
EmperorQianlong liked the four knowledge library very much. Before and after
he went tocourt, he changed clothes here, and sometimes called in princes,
ministers andminority leaders here. And long live photo room and accessory
room are also fullof rare treasures, you see, will feast your eyes.
    Now, we are going to cross the Wanhe SONGFENG bridge to Ruyi island.
Pleasetake care of your children and pay attention to safety. You can see that
is Ruyiisland. There are many buildings on the island, but the area is not
large. Thepalace, water Pavilion, clear spring, pavilion and corridor are
cleverlyorganized together and become a landscape painting. Do you feel the
breezeblowing from the lake?
    There are many scenery in Chengde summer resort, now please visit
freely,wish you a happy journey!
承德避暑山庄 导词语 5
    Good morning, beautiful ladies, handsome gentlemen and lovely
children.Welcome to the summer resort in Moli. I'm the guide of Fengcai travel
agency,Xiao Mingyu. You can call me Xiaoyu. I am honored to be able to enjoy

标签: #导游 #英语


承德避暑山庄导游词英语(精选35篇)承德避暑山庄游英篇导词语1  Hello!I'myourlittleguide:LiXinyu.WelcometoChengdesummerresort.LocatedinthenorthofChengdeCity,thesummerresortisthelargestclassicalRoyalGardeninChina.  ThesummerresortisasymboloftheheydayofKangxiandQianlonginQingDynasty.Asthefoundersofthevilla,KangxiandQianlongvisitedt...

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