
华山英文导游词(精选 7篇)
山英文 游 篇华 导 词 1
Mount Jiuhua is one of the four sacred mountains of Chinese Buddhism. It
is located in Qingyang County in Anhui province and is famous for its rich
landscape and ancient temples.
Many of the mountain’s shrines and temples are dedicated to Ksitigarbha
(known in Chinese as Dìzàng, Traditional Chinese: 地藏), who is a bodhisattva
and protector of souls in hell according to Mahayana Buddhist tradition. Pious
Buddhists often come to this popular attraction in Anhui to climb to Greater
Tiantai peak, which is regarded as Jiuhuashan’s most important peak, although
it is not the tallest.
History of Jiuhua Mountain
Jiuhu Mountain, known as a Buddhist wonderland and famous for its large
number of temples and beautiful scenery, has been a resplendent pearl of
Chinese cultural heritage.
Jiuhua Mountain was formed in the late Cenozoic Era, and Buddhism began in
the Northern and Southern Dynasties (420-589) at the mountain. According to
historical records, a monk named Fuhu built Fuhu Convent in 503; Monk Tanhao
practised Buddhism here in 713; During 713-755, Jin Qiaojue, a Korean
aristocrat, came to Jiuhua Mountain and lived in a stone cave at Dongya Peak.
His hard practice moved the local people, and they contributed money to build
a temple for him. In 781 the local official Zhang Yan presented a memorial to
the emperor for the horizontal inscribed board "Huacheng". Upon Jin Qiaojue’s
nirvana, it was said that the mountain roared, birds and monkeys cried, and
the earth gave out fire and light. His body kept lively three years later, so
he was respected as the Earth Buddha, wrapped with earth and has been
preserved to present. Roushen Pagoda was built to revere him, and thus Jiuhua
Mountain has become the place where Earth Buddhist rites are performed.
The history of Buddhism at Jiuhua Mountain can be divided into five
periods: founded in the middle of Tang Dynasty ; decayed from the late Tang
Dynasty to the Five Dynasties; slowly developed in the Song and Yuan
Dynasties; and greatly developed in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In the Ming
Dynasty, the emperors granted money to rebuild Huacheng Temple for three times
and two emperors bestowed inscriptions. The number of temples and nunneries
was over a hundred, and many monks and nuns came. It was listed as one of the
four famous Buddhist mountains, besides Wutai Mountain, Emei Mountain, and
Putuo Mountain.
山英文 游 篇华 导 词 2
Ladies and gentlemen
On this day, we will visit Huashan Mountain, which is known as "stone
forlotus and cloud for platform". Huashan, also known as Taihua mountain,
islocated in the south of Huayin City, 120 kilometers east of Xi'an city.
Huashan Mountain, known as Xiyue in ancient times, is one of the
fivemountains in China. It is named Huashan Mountain because its peaks are
naturallyarranged like flowers. In December 1992, Huishan was rated as one of
the top 40scenic spots in China. Even friends who have never been to Huashan
will learnabout the situation of Huashan from some funny myths and anecdotes,
such as "aroad to Huashan since ancient times", "fairy palm of Huayue", "aloes
splittingmountain to save mother", "Huashan discussing sword", and modern
wisdom tocapture Huashan. These Beautiful myths and stories reflect people's
yearning andworship for Huashan since ancient times.
South China mountain overlooks the Yellow River in the north and
QinlingMountains in the south. It is known as "Huashan ruli". The whole
mountain hassimple lines, such as knife cutting and axe splitting. The unique
peaks areabrupt and majestic. It is known as "the most dangerous mountain in
When it comes to strangeness, it is made up of a huge and complete piece
ofgranite. The ancients said, "it's not strange that there are no stones in
themountain, it's not strange that there are no pure stones." "Huashan is cut
intofour directions, its width is ten li, its height is five thousand Ren, one
stoneis also called" Daqi ". Huashan has five main peaks, among which the
East, Westand South peaks are the highest, and the three peaks stand in
opposition,"flying out of the clouds and falling into the Yellow River", known
as "threepeaks outside the sky". When it comes to danger, the "Changkong plank
road"erected in the air, the "Quanzhen rock" engraved on the overhanging rock,
the"Yaozi turning over" with three sides of the air, the "Yaozi turning over"
withconvex top and concave bottom, and the "qianchitong", "baichixia",
"Laojunfurrow", "chaerya" and "canglongling" dug on the overhanging rock of
the cliffare all extremely dangerous. "Huashan has been a road since ancient
times.".There is only a north-south line of roads in the mountains, about 10
kilometerslong, winding and rugged. In many places, it can be said that "one
man is incharge of the pass, ten thousand men are not allowed to open.".
Huashan not only has magnificent natural landscape, but also has
richhistorical and cultural accumulation, and cultural landscape is
everywhere.Along the way up and down the mountain and along the Valley Road,
inscriptions,poems and stone carvings will make people linger.
My friends, what we are here now is yuquanyuan. It is said that because
thespring water there is connected with the jade well on the top of the
mountain,the water quality is pure and sweet, so it is called "yuquanyuan". It
is theonly way to climb Mount Hua. It is said that it was built by Chen Tuan,
ahermit. In the courtyard, the pavilions and corridors are zigzag, and
thesprings are murmuring. It is a tourist attraction. Yuquan temple, together
withthe Dongdao temple and Zhenyue palace that we will see later, are places
forTaoist activities. Now there are 53 temples. Most of the buildings in
thecourtyard were rebuilt in the Qianlong period of Qing Dynasty.
Dear friends, we are now at the foot of Beifeng, one of the five peaks.
Itis about 10 kilometers away from the mouth of Huashan Valley, which is
thesource of water flow in Huashan valley. Please follow the direction of my
fingerto see the trees. Maybe many people will know it. Yes, it's the coca
tree.There, the green trees float here, so it is called "qingkeping".
From qingkeping to huixinshi. The climbing road turns from a flat
stoneroad to a narrow stone ladder cut on the cliff. Seeing the mountain
roadcircling up, many tourists with weak will will turn their minds to look at
themountain and sigh and come back in vain.
Friends, we have reached the north peak now. After the previous
threepasses, I think you have a necessary understanding of Huashan insurance.
Thenorth peak is named Yuntai peak, 1550 meters above sea level, where
themountains are towering, hanging on three sides, majestic and unique, just
like acloud, so it is named because it is just like a Yuntai. Its height is
thelowest, but it has a very important geographical location. It is the pivot
ofthe four peaks. The pavilion in front of us is called "military soul
Pavilion",the name of which comes from the feature film "outwit Huashan".
Now we come to Zhongfeng. Zhongfeng is also called Yunv peak. It is
saidthat in the spring and Autumn period, Xiao Shi, a hermit in Huashan, was
good atplaying the flute. The beautiful sound of the flute won the admiration
ofNongyu, the youngest daughter of Duke mu of Qin. She put down her luxurious
andcomfortable life in the palace and lived in seclusion with Xiao Shi. Many
yearslater, they became immortals and went away by the Phoenix. Many scenic
spots onthe mountain also got their names. There are jade girl shampoo basin,
sacrificetree, etc. Because of this beautiful love story, Huashan is endowed
with someromance and gentleness after it is broad, solemn and deep.
After Zhongfeng, I will accompany you to Dongfeng.
Dongfeng, also known as Chaoyang peak, has a Chaoyang terrace at the
top,which is the best place to watch the sunrise. Mountains are not high,
butimmortals are famous. Huashan is said to be a place where many immortals
live.Taoist fairyland. It is said that Zhao Kuangyin, the song Taizu, and Chen
Tuan,the Huashan hermit, are in a lonely peak, where they play chess. Chen
Tuan, alsoknown as Mr. Xiyi, was a virtuous man. After discussion, they
decided to bet onHuashan. As a result, he lost to Chen Tuan. According to the
pre-determinedconditions, Huashan became the Taoist's Taoist center and would
华山英文导游词(精选7篇)山英文游篇华导词1 MountJiuhuaisoneofthefoursacredmountainsofChineseBuddhism.ItislocatedinQingyangCountyinAnhuiprovinceandisfamousforitsrichlandscapeandancienttemples. Manyofthemountain’sshrinesandtemplesarededicatedtoKsitigarbha(knowninChineseasDìzàng,TraditionalChinese:地藏),whoisabodhisattvaa...
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